この製品には蜜蝋のT-ライトキャンドル(18g) を3つサービスでお付けいたします。また別売りもしておりますのでどうぞご利用ください。
Our candle holders are designed, and hand made in Cyprus by local artisans. They are made from fired and glazed clay pottery and no two pieces are alike. We chose them because we love them and enjoy using them with our beeswax candles. Each holder comes with three (18 grams each) beeswax T-lights candles. Additional T-lights can be bought separately and sent with your order.
小さな家のキャンドルホルダーLittle house candle holder
製品の規格について 高さ約13cm 最大直径 約10cm
The approximate dimensions are; height; 13cm, maximum width; 10cm